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Block Making Machine

Characteristics of Fly Ash Brick Machine

The customized qt4-15 fly ash brick machine is the main equipment for producing fly ash autoclaved brick. Fly ash autoclaved brick is made by using fly ash or other slag or ash sand as raw materials, adding lime, gypsum and aggregate, and through the processes of blank preparation, compression molding, high-efficiency steam curing, etc. The production process of the fly ash brick steaming and pressing machine comprises the following major steps: processing and preparing raw materials, metering and batching according to a certain proportion, stirring, digesting, grinding by wheels, pressing and forming, static stop curing of stacked blanks, autoclaving curing, finished product inspection and stacking, and the like.

As autoclaved brick is made of ash sand or industrial waste residue as the main raw material, its frost resistance, corrosion resistance, compressive strength and other properties are better than those of artificial stone of solid clay brick. The size of this kind of brick produced by fly ash brick machine is exactly the same as that of ordinary solid clay brick, 240mm x 115mm x 53mm, so autoclaved brick can directly replace solid clay brick. It has the characteristics of light weight, heat preservation, sound insulation, heat insulation, scientific structure, beautiful shape, appearance and size standards, and is a new type of wall material developed and applied by the state.

customized qt4-15 fly ash brick machine

Production line equipment of customized qt4-15 fly ash brick machine includes: mixer, digester, brick steaming and pressing machine, wheel grinding machine, autoclaved kettle and other main equipment and auxiliary equipment such as box feeder, screw conveyor, climbing bucket, aggregate weighing, belt conveyor, maintenance trolley, car ferry and so on.

The strength of the product produced by the qt4-15 fly ash brick machine can reach MU20, the production technology level is high, the energy consumption is low, and the product is widely used for building foundation and internal and external walls. Fly ash brick machine can use a large amount of fly ash, and can use wet ash. At least 800kg of fly ash can be used for every 1m brick produced, and 60,000 tons of fly ash can be used for a brick factory with an annual output of 50 million bricks. This is undoubtedly of great significance for saving land and protecting the ecological environment.

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