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Block Making Machine

Cement Concrete Blocks Machine Vibration Isolation Device

Preliminary design of vibration isolation parameters of cement concrete blocks machine for the first time

Only consider the vibration isolation effect in the X direction, initially determine the total stiffness of the primary vibration isolation spring k1x, and assign the criterion according to the stiffness, that is, to prevent the condition of sway vibration, initially determine the rigidity of the single blessing spring, and then determine the minimum of the primary isolation spring according to the maximum vibration displacement , Mission, ultimate deformation and corresponding elastic force, provide the original data for designing or selecting a primary vibration isolation spring.

cement concrete blocks machine

Preliminary design of parameters of secondary vibration isolation of cement concrete blocks machine

Only consider the vibration isolation effect in the X direction, initially determine the secondary vibration isolation quality m2 and the secondary vibration isolation spring stiffness k2x, assign the criterion according to the stiffness, determine a spring stiffness, and then determine the secondary vibration isolation based on the maximum vibration displacement Bxmax or δmax The minimum, task and ultimate deformation of the spring and the corresponding elastic force provide the original design parameters for the design of the secondary vibration isolation spring.

Design of vibration isolation spring for cement concrete blocks machine

According to the minimum, task and limit variables of various specifications of springs provided by the vibration isolator dynamic parameter design and their corresponding elastic forces, various specifications of springs are designed.

concrete blocks machine

Calculation and verification of vibration isolator parameters of cement concrete blocks machine

First, check the calculation of the stiffness and dynamic fluctuation of the vibration isolation spring. Second, based on the design of the dynamic parameters and the spring parameters initially determined, check the calculation of the vibration solution amplitude of the vibration isolation coefficient, the amplitude of the dynamic load transmitted to the foundation and the relative The maximum displacement of motion or absolute motion. This includes calculation of parameter check in both vertical and horizontal directions.

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